The integration imports your Commercial Insureds from Momentum to your Commercial Insureds in Sembley. It does not sync non-commercial clients.
Momentum | Sembley |
Commercial Name | Company Name |
DBA | Doing Business As |
AddressLine1, AddressLine2, State, City, ZipCode | Mailing Address |
Website | Website |
Cell Phone Number | Cell Phone Number and Secondary Phone Number |
Fax | Fax |
Naics | NAICS |
SIC code | SIC code |
Type of business | Entity type |
Phone or Cell phone | Primary Phone Number |
The integration allows you to send Insureds from Sembley to Momentum.
Momentum | Sembley |
Commercial Name | Company Name |
DBA | Doing Business As |
AddressLine1, AddressLine2, State, City, ZipCode | Mailing Address |
Website | Website |
Fax | Fax |
Cell Phone | Cell Phone |
Momentum | Sembley |
Full Name | Full Name |
Cell Phone | Cell Phone |
Cell Phone, Office Phone or Home Phone | Primary Phone Number |
Cell Phone, Office Phone or Home Phone | Secondary Phone Number |
Business Email or Personal Email | Email Address |
Business Email or Personal Email | Secondary Email Address |
Momentum | Sembley |
Effective Date | Effective Date |
Expiration Date | Expiration Date |
Number | Policy Number |
Total Premium | Total Premium |
Carrier Name | Carrier Name |
Line of Business | Line of Business. Momentum allows you to add multiple lines of business to a policy. We import the policy’s first listed line of business. |
Momentum | Sembley |
Loss Date | Date of Occurrence |
Amount Paid | Amount Paid. Momentum allows you to list multiple amounts paid. We import the first listed amount paid. |
Reported Date | Date of Claim |
Status | Claim Open. We import whether the claim is open or closed. If it is neither open nor closed, we do not import the status. |
Momentum | Sembley |
Company Name | Name |
Phone or Cell Phone | Phone Number |
Fax | Fax |
Address | Address |
Loan Number | Reference or Loan Number |
Additional Insured, Loss Payee, Mortgagee, Breach of Warranty, Co-owner, Owner, Leaseback Owner, Registrant, Lienholder, Trustee, Other | Interest |
Momentum | Sembley |
Address | Address |
Description | Description |
Building Number | Building Number |
Location Number | Location Number |
Description of Operations | Operations Description |
Construction Type | Construction Type |
Number of Stories | Number of Stories |
Build Year | Year Built |
City Limits | City Limits |
Interest | Interest |
Occupancy | Occupancy. We import either tenanted or vacant, but not the other options |
Momentum | Sembley |
Year | Year |
Make | Make |
Model | Model |
Value | Cost New |
Type | Body Type |
Usage | Use. We import the Commercial and Personal options. |
Deductible (Comprehensive) | Comprehensive or Specified Cause of Loss Deductible Amount |
Deductible (Collision) | Collision Deductible Amount |
Momentum | Sembley |
First Name | First Name |
Middle Name | Middle Name |
Last Name | Last Name |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth |
Gender | Sex |
License Number | License Number |
License State | Licensed State |
Marital Status Code | Marital Status. We import the following options: Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Separated, Domestic Partner (Unmarried), Civil Union / Registered Domestic Partner, Fiance or Fiancee, Unknown, Other |
Hire Date | Hire Date |